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Thursday 20 October 2016

work from HOME 1

Digital Altitude by Michael Force is easily one of the best business opportunities of 2016 that wants to elevate aspiring digital entrepreneurs, marketers and dreams to reach higher to ‘ascension’. Let’s take a look at why so many entrepreneurs and marketers are jumping on the bandwagon of the hottest e-Learning MLM company of the year.

Digital Altitude Review

Digital Altitude’s Aspire is an online training system that promises to teach anyone how to make 6 figures a month running their own business. What’s the secret code? Read our Aspire review to find out what Michael Force (founder, speak, author, father, husband, Marine) and his high ticket “Clients For Life Coaches” program has to offer.

What is Aspire?

Digital Altitude’s Aspire foundational product is an online business training program created by Michael Force. Michael claims that he had a corporate job that was earning him just $700 per month. He left that corporate job, started his own business, and he’s now making “well over 6-figures a month”.
Now, with Aspire, he wants to teach you how to enjoy Buisness 
Michael’s business revolves around making money online. He makes enormous promises about the amount of money you’ll make: the sales page for Aspire is filled with pictures of private jets, luxury vacations, million dollar homes, and other amenities that will supposedly become available to you after you learn from Michael Force.
 Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

How Does Aspire Claim to Make You a Millionaire?

Aspire claims that almost anyone can succeed online regardless of their age, education, current income, or gender.
Michael describes Aspire as “an elite community that provides all the tools you need to start making money online.” It claims to walk you through the steps you need to start making money online – and continue making money online in the future. It walks you from earning your first dollar all the way to earning 5 or 6 figures per month online.
So what’s actually included with Aspire? Keep reading to find out.

What’s Included with Aspire?

Aspire gives you all of the following items upon signup:
-Digital Business Video Training: Gives you 3 simple steps to start up, set up, and promote your business.
-Private Digital Client for Life Coaches: Exclusive 1 on 1 access to coaches who will help you reach your goals.
-7 Figure Sales Funnels and Websites: Automated sales funnels you can setup on your own websites.
-Follow-up Sequences and Sales Automation:Automate your sales system and recapture old traffic to maximize profits.
-High Commission Back End Products: You can resell back-end products “so you can leverage top-tier commissions while you learn”. This is the MLM part of the program.
-Branding: You can get customized branding solutions to tailor your own online marketing program.
-Traffic & Social Media Solutions: Learn how to get traffic from a variety of online sources.
-Merchant & Payroll Services: In exchange for a hefty fee, Aspire will provide merchant and payroll processing services.
-Support, Forums, and Live Chat: Aspire provides live support and instant availability to all customers.

Digital Altitude Product Pricing

The entire Digital Altitude product line consists of 48 opportunities in which you can have 60 income streams with 19 of them being residual oriented and up to $24,000 in commissions.
There are three monthly membership levels from which to choose as well as a few one time high ticket offers and opportunities. Like most MLMs, the more you’re willing to pay per month, the more you can earn from people recruited beneath you to gain access to all of the systems, education and core products the Digital Altitude business opportunity has to offer.

Aspire Walker: $37/m

  • -40% commissions
  • -1 tier payout
  • -Members’ area
  • -Training videos

Aspire Hiker: $67/m

  • -Up to 50% commissions
  • -2 tiers of payout
  • -Members’ area
  • -Training videos, including weekly training
  • -Monthly conference calls
  • -More sales funnels
  • -Personal coaches

Aspire Climber: $127/m

  • -Up to 60% commission
  • -3 tiers of payout
  • -Members’ area

Base Digital Business Mastery Course: $597 One Time

Rise Digital Marketing Mastery Course: $1997 One Time

Ascend Digital Business Profit Workshop: $9997 One Time

Peak Digital Business Prosper Retreat: $15997 One Time

Apex Digital Business Legacy Experience: $27,997 One Time

You can also pay Michael Force 
AspirE offers a $1 free trial on all plans. You pay $1 today to try the program for 14 days. If you don’t cancel within that 14 day period, then you’re automatically charged at least $37 per month.
They also have new branding and social marketing products “Guru You” and “Inbound Content Package” which is all about marketing with social media and blogging.
You can also research their list of traffic and funnel programs:
  • Tip Toe Traffic Package
  • Hitter Traffic Package
  • Leader Traffic Package
  • Producer Traffic Package
  • Top Earner Traffic Package
  • Speaker Traffic Package

Should You Sign Up for Aspire?

Aspire is a multilevel marketing company that claims to teach you how to operate an online business capable of generating you 6 figures per month in profit.yes here is link